Whether you want to check your current network security or verify the performance of a new cybersecurity investment, LeeShanok’s Network Security Assessments provide an accurate picture of your cybersecurity posture.
Our network security assessments can include:
Device assessments
Penetration testing
Simulated phishing attempts
Up-to-date software checks
Cybersecurity policy reviews
Cyber insurance compliance
After the assessment, you will be provided a list of vulnerabilities and a clear roadmap on how to address them. Our team of certified cybersecurity experts stay up-to-date on the current threat landscape. You can trust our network security assessments check for vulnerabilities against both current and legacy threats.
Network Security Assessment Process
We work with you to perform the Network Security Assessment. Our four-step process is informed by your cybersecurity goals.
Determine the goals of the Assessment to determine which tests to perform
Set testing schedule
Perform the Network Security Assessment
Produce Assessment results and share with you
LeeShanok will only request the minimum amount of access required to perform the assessment.
Request your Network Security Assessment
Contact us today to speak with one of our network solution experts about how this service can improve your network security.